At one point, he finished reading one side of a product and moved onto the other side.

Animation Bump: While his normal YouTube highlights are covers from his streams with fades at the beginning and end and an animated stinger, his highlight compilations he used to release were edited by professional, freelance editor and fellow streamer, HyperCole64.He also gives headpats to the plushes at his drum kit if asked to by a viewer. Affectionate Gesture to the Head: He has an emote of a hand petting a rabbit.He does not ask for a time-out to be undone often.
Actually Pretty Funny: While talking about phones, a viewer jokingly said "If you want to hear some more music, please press 1." They were promptly timed out by a mod on the grounds of trying to hurry Jerod up, but he found the line so funny, he overruled the time-out.420, Blaze It: A lesser used bit cheer is one for 420, featuring an edit of Homestuck's Game Bro magazine to be "Drum Bro" with Jerod on the cover.The8BitDrummer's streams contain examples of: In addition, Jerod joins ProtonJon, Tom Fawkes, and Stephen Georg on the Disc Only Podcast, airing on Jon's channel. As of April 2022, he revealed his "8-Bit Bunny" Vtuber Avatar for his gaming streams. Ultimate as well as retro games such as Super Mario 64 and Super Mario World.

He also does the occasional gaming stream as a variety channel, covering both recent games such as Tetris 99, Fall Guys, Guilty Gear -STRIVE- and Super Smash Bros. The8BitDrummer, real name Jerod Collins, is a Twitch streamer and YouTuber who specializes in performing live, high-energy drum covers of miscellaneous video game songs (and the occasional meme song). That face when Megan is about to be played.