It’s annoying because if you are batch processing, all other. [Bug - If the planet moves off the imaging chip mostly or completely, castrator kinda loses its place and all frames afterwards are blank, even if you had gotten the planet back on chip. avis in AS! then any fix would be unnecessary. I have also ran into a crummy bug in castrator, but you have long since moved beyond castrator…and if you could integrate use of compressed. I know it won’t happen, but one can wish! de confidentialit Conditions gnrales de vente Avis relatif aux cookies Paramtres des cookies tat du systme. Would be nice to be able to manually deselect them.Ģ) Integrate Registax 6 wavelet schemes and RGB align into AS2! so I can properly do batch processing for everything and totally ditch R6 J. If I have a corrupt frame or two in there, AS2! Will usually select those frames as some of the best also. Sometimes I unfortunately let Jupiter slide off frame and after running the program through castrator, AS2! will usually select those frames that have partially gone out of frame as the best frames to stack. If one wants to talk about features that you wish that AS! Would have….I have two (not sure if anyone else has suggested them!)ġ) Ability to deselect frames to stack.
#Anyfix avis code#
You have some code to get them to work, not sure how easy it is to incorporate it into a future version of AS!

Anyfix states many places both outside and inside the program, in can downgrade to any ios. I wrote some days ago but 'we normally reply in 24 hours' isn't thru either. Castrator opens the images fine and processes them fine. Anyfix scam I bought Anyfix - which is a 100 scam product I opened a case Ticket by them right away, but havn't heard anything jet. One is compressed via virtual dub with the Huffyuv codec, and the other is done with the Lagarith codec. avi with a few frames and I had totally forgot about it, but I did put together a couple and posted them in the files area. You suggested that I upload a compressed.

avis during a session, my cramped hard drive would rather have each of them ~400MB lossless compressed, than 3GB uncompressed! I know you aren’t supposed to do so but when I am capturing around 100. I know in the thread a while ago I had said something about support for compressed.